Programs & Activities

Innovative & Fun Programs

Warner offers students a wide variety of arts themed and innovative programs for scholars.

Boy playing violinArts Pathways

All scholars have the opportunity during the school day to receive extra instruction in an arts discipline of their choice every Monday. Each pathway is taught by one of Warner's Related Arts teachers. Scholars choose to join one of the following arts pathways for the school year:

  • Visual Art & Design
  • Strings (Violin & Viola)
  • Physical Education
  • Dance
  • General Music

Be Well breathingBeWell in School

Warner partners with BeWell in School as a school-wide non-traditional approach to school culture & climate.

Utilizing mindfulness, movement, and breathing, Warner scholars are empowered to develop strategies to emotionally self-regulate. BeWell in School offers services to Warner students five days a week.

To learn more visit the BeWell in School website.

Three studentsAfter-School Care

After-school care is provided for Warner scholars by the following organizations:

Martha O'Bryan Center offers after-school care for scholars in grades K-4 five days a week from 3:45 pm to 6:00 pm at Warner. There is no cost for Warner students.

East Park Community Center offers after-school care for scholars in grades 1-4 five days a week from 3:45 pm to 6:00 pm at East Park Community Center. There is no cost for Warner scholars.